Monday, May 01, 2006

Firefox Flicks Winners

Firefox, the open-source browser, launched an open-source ad campaign last year: Users fired up about the browser were asked to submit homemade commercials. The winners were announced the other day, and we are mightily impressed with the results. Grand-prize winner Daredevil, which will presumably get tv airtime sooner or later, is polished and professional (we had our doubts about programmer dorks making commercials--see Wheee!), and This is hot, which got an honorable mention, is as good as anything from Pixar.

1 comment:

  1. Whee starts really stupid, although it did make me laugh at the end. It is still a piece of crap. The "famous" judges totally fkt their reputations by signing off on it.

    Re-watching them, I think This is hot is best. Daredevil is boring.
