Sunday, August 31, 2008

Best Place to Get Crabs

Not that kind, dirty minds. This is the best little seafood place on the East coast, possibly the world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blood from a Petri Dish

This is hot. Transfusions are risky propositions, and synthetic blood just isn't working for anyone. So maybe stem cells can grow us enough blood to transfuse a pint of lab-produced, clean, safe blood when we need it. Now we can all bleed a little easier.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ice Snobbery? wtf?

For the record: If we invite you over for a drink and you bring your own ice, you'll have to wait till it melts if you want to drink anything.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What is YOUR favorite flavor?

Of ice cream?

Shout out to Chez Nous

One of our favorite things about traveling is finding great food. This weekend, a little place in the Berkshires blew our socks off: Chez Nous Bistro in Lee, MA. Aside from the over-use of what we imagine were locally grow organic red potatoes, this was some of the best food we've ever eaten. And the white sangria to wash it down was perfect for a summer evening on the porch.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Obama Calls a Spade a Spade

Play-by-play of Obama's Berea, OH, townhall meeting, is at Daily Kos, including my favorite line of the campaign so far:

I don't know how they could be making fun of something that experts agree is a good idea. I mean it's like these guys take pride in ignorance! It's like they like being ignorant.

Update: "I'm John McCain, and I approve my ignorance."

Let's Say I Don't Have Enough Money to Buy Something. Should I Buy It Anyway?

IOUSA: The Movie.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tag/Label Cloud

from phydeaux3.

Photoblog Update's Big Picture (not to be confused with the financial blog of the same name) has some spectacular photos, not just the previously mentioned Large Hadron Collider. See also Notions' Oceans new sidebar.

Large Hadron Collider Set To Create a Black Hole

Right here on Earth. Well, not right here, but in Europe. The USA doesn't do bleeding-edge science like this anymore. The machinery looks friggin' awesome, too.